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The Best Dating&Love Relationship Newsletter

The Best Dating & Love Relationship Newsletter

Vol. 1 Iss. 1
Date August 2003
Distributed by SAYLAVIE.COM

*********************************************************** Contents

■ FROM THE EDITOR: Welcome all new READERS!!

■"Does Online Dating Really Work?"

■"5 tips on how to attract the opposite sex in a Virtual World"

■"Concentrating on ONE relationship or on SEVERAL?"


*********************************************************** Being single can be fun and exciting!

There's no reason why you shouldn't be on a date right now! With, you're sure to meet someone who shares your interests and with whom you'll have the time of your life! So what are you waiting for, take a tour and become a free member today!!

*********************************************************** ■ FROM THE EDITOR

Dear Reader,

Hello & Welcome to Saylavie's first newsletter. Saylavie is INAUGURATING "The Best Dating & Love Relationship Newsletter" for all singles and couples interested in adding some spice to their romance and sexual lives. This newsletter is intended to bring out the best information for: love, dating, relationship!

Hope you enjoy!!

Nicolas Martin

*********************************************************** ■"Does Online Dating Really Work?"

It has only been 4-5 years now, that the world wide web is being populated with online dating ads pop-ups, banners, Spam mail,...etc.,... . The fact is, the demand for online dating is increasing since we entered the new millennium. As the internet community is rapidly growing, more and more online users are spending time and money on dating sites.

Most of those people are either too busy to go out to places where they can flirt and court with others, or they do not feel comfortable in such places (clubs, coffee stands,...). Furthermore with the emancipation of sexual diversities (heterosexual, bi-sexual....; soft porn, fetish...), it becomes even more difficult these days to aproach a person without offending his or her beliefs.

One thing is fore sure, dating and romance are a necessity in human lives and will continue being the first steps in building a healthy romantic relationship. We come to realize that somehow the old style of courting is fading away, and leaving place to virtual encounters. Is this a bad or good thing?

Well the fact is, if you spend more time on your computer than socializing, you will eventually get rusty when the time comes to show your interpersonal skills. However, online dating is the new way to encounter people for love and romance.

Most of the dating sites offer a fun and anonymous way on finding that special somebody, leaving therefore more time to the online dater to organize and prepare himself for his eventual dates.

*********************************************************** ■"5 tips on how to attract the opposite sex in a Virtual World"

You do not want to mislead the person who you are trying to attract. If you are true to yourself, this will reflect on your presentation profile and ensure to others your legitimacy. Furthermore, most of dating sites ask you to create a username in order to let you flirt in a anonymously fashioned way.

If a dating site offers you the chance to post your picture or a short streaming video clip, don't be SHY, take full advantage of that service. A picture will bring out the real person in you, and attract more people. On the net everything and everyone is virtual, making it hard to believe or trust what you see. So don't worry about looks, worry on keeping it real!!

Once you are a member of a dating site, it is recommended that you show your presence by visiting the site at least once a week. That way you can keep in touch with the people you started to flirt with, and continue finding new prospects.

Most dating sites offer you tips on how to present yourself and compose attractive messages. You do not have to be perfect, keep it simple and fun. Send out at least 3 messages (1: introduce yourself, 2: share same interests, 3: give out compliments) before sharing all your personal information such as your life, phone number or even your email.

While you are flirting online, you will experience rejections with some relations. Don't get discouraged, try to
end the virtual relation on good terms and do not be shy on asking that person if she or he can refer you to other singles
who share the same interests.

*********************************************************** ■"Concentrating on ONE relationship or on SEVERAL?"

In the online dating community, it is hard to know if the partner you are interested in is only attracted to you or is he or she mingling in the same time with others. As a single, looking for a long term relationship over the web, there is no other way but to search that soul mate through trial and error (this dose not mean that while you are learning more about your number one prospect, you are actually dating five other persons).

The trick is to keep it simple and let the relationship take its natural course, do not force issues. So while you are trying to make things happen with your number one prospect, try putting your self in a friendship bases with all the other prospect you encountered. If the number one prospect doesn't turn out to be what you where expecting, you will allways have others to follow.



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